Monday 30 March 2015

Letter from a SURVIVOR

This letter goes out to every person (men and women alike) who has survived rape. It is in response to the below link and the video featured in it. Please do view the link before reading. Thanks :)

Ironic Logic

Dear women,

Life is infinite. No one has the power to give or take life because life is a gift and a truly expensive one at that. One I'm pretty sure no men or women can afford. Hence, no one should be going about commenting on whether or not they would 'give life' to these rape victims. I believe life is what you make of it and tragedies like rape are nothing but a mere dent or a fallen tree in the path of the victim. Dealing with it and coming out stronger rests purely on the victim's shoulders. No one else can do much at making a difference in this matter cause a second chance at life is one that you grant yourself; not one at which you wait and hope for some bloke to walk into your life and present you with in the form of a ring or in this case, the Holy Thaali. People have to understand that rape is not a disease and it's never the victim's fault. Same goes to any crime that makes our world a living hellhole. And sometimes, above all else, the victims have to understand and accept this fact. Only then will they stop looking at themselves as damsels in distress, in need of rescue. Life is still as it is; a gift. Rape doesn't change it, and it's up to you what you want to make of it. Also women are strong. There's no debating that. We have got to stop acting like we aren't.

As for whether or not a said man would marry a rape victim is totally up to him as it purely falls under his autonomy and no one else's. He does not need to answer to anyone for his lifestyle choices no matter how shallow they are, for they are his decision to make and the society honestly has no say in it. Hence we, the society really have no business judging his lifestyle choices; just like no one can say anything on my choice of cheese or your choice of underwear. He may be Indian, Malay, Chinese or belong to any ethnicity for that matter, it does not change these facts. And the media is playing a really sad game like the one played in high schools where a person's lifestyle choices are paraded publicly so that those who disagree might join in and ridicule them. Even if it's for a chivalrous cause, doesn't make it all right does it?

On hindsight, there are truly many men out there. As many as there are who would base their choice of a future bride on whether or not she was a rape victim, there are equal numbers if not more who just couldn't fucking care less. And as educated women of today, shouldn't we rather go for those than the shallow ass-wipes who think marrying a rape victim is a downright tragedy, without a second thought? After all, it's really our choice to make and say "I won't settle for the likes of you!" instead of it being the other way around. I mean c'mon sweethearts, we're worth so much MORE.

A Survivor.

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